Thursday can't come soon enough

Found out a week ago that I was pregnant!! This will be my second pregnancy/baby. My daughter turned 4 this past December. DH and I have been trying to conceive since August 2014 so this is such a happy surprise 😊 A year ago I was diagnosed with PCOS and I've been taking metformin to help with my issues. In December I was prescribed clomid but haven't been able to take them due to lack of a period 😒 I've been tracking my BBT and have only seen my temp spike a few times in the past year. This pregnancy definitely came as a surprise cause I didn't think the timing lined up right but I guess we did something right!! 😄 I have my first doctors visit on Thursday and I'm so anxious for it to get here and know how far along I am lol I'm so happy to finally get my BFP!!!   Congrats to everyone!!!