Financial situation.

When we first met we both made the same amount of money. In the past almost 4 years he's been promoted so many times and has increased his salary by 50k. He by far is the worst at saving money and budgeting. Although I still make the same amount as I did when we first met. I give myself a goal of how much I want to save and I stick to it.  We have a joint savings but that was the money we got from our wedding. Which we've already gone through half of it. We each have our own checking and savings. When we do save money we don't save it in our joint account. We save it in our own accounts. I own my condo and bought it before I met him. We moved 3 months ago due to his promotion. So now we are renting and I have my condo rented out. I want us to buy a house together some day but don't think that will ever happen since he's not good at saving money. The only way we will probably end up buying a house is of I take a home equity loan on my condo for a down payment. I feel like it's because of me well be able to buy a house. I feel like he's not really contributing. How do you guys handle your financial situation? Everything joint? Or separate accounts? Save money together?  He told me tonight that he wants to buy a used truck and pay it in cash so we can have a spare car. I told him no and that it's not necessary. I'd rather us have a house and start a family.