5th pregnancy

PTgal💜 • Married 6 years, just had my rainbow, a baby girl, in April. Have pcos, endometriosis, low thyroid, and have had 4 mc.
DH and I are going to start being intimate again after having my 4th miscarriage starting last Sunday. I'm starting to get nervous about the implications of getting pregnant again. It'll be my 5th pregnancy, still trying for our first living child. I'm feeling so anxious, nervous, sad, angry, but also slightly hopeful. Mostly anxiety. I have no idea what keeps causing these losses but more and more I blame myself for being stressed or too excited, or maybe I'm not meant to be a mother. I'm seeing a hematologist in a few weeks and having a Hysteroscopy once I get my period back, so that's something to look forward to. And I'm starting baby aspirin for the first time tomorrow too, just in case I get pregnant and I truly do have APS. Sorry for the long post, just needed to vent and figure maybe someone can give me some encouraging words. Thanks ladies 💜