Horrible advice anyone

Miss k ♡♡
Okay so I am 17 weeks will be 18 weeks on Monday, and I still haven't told like anyone. I wanted too told my ex mother "father's mother" I wanted to put the sex up on facebook. But she answers back and says I don't think "father of baby" wants that. It just annoys me because I'll feel like I've waiting long enough ! I'll be finding out what I am having soon!
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You do you it's your baby too. If his parents don't want the sex up who cares. talk to your ex if it's really a huge issue you guys can have a conversation about it. I personally don't want anything personal online. I made my friends take my wedding pictures off Facebook for 2 reasons they shared them before me and without even asking me. The sex of the baby is fun though it's meant to be shared. If you wanna do it, do it <3


Miss k ♡♡ • Mar 10, 2016
thank you! I will be talking to him


Posted at
You should do whatever you want! Your baby  =your decision when to tell. You don't need approval from anyone! 👊🏽😃👊🏽😃


Tiffany • Mar 10, 2016
your baby is not a problem, it's a miracle. it seems like your ex and his family is a problem... the people who genuinely love you will be so excited to hear this news and you shouldn't have to go through it alone! share your news with the world girl! you are in control of your own life and body. do not let anyone bully you or make decisions for you. The ex mother in law did not take part in making the baby therefore she has no say in what decisions you make! Good luck


Miss k ♡♡ • Mar 10, 2016
They just think it'll be a problem. Witch annoys me. what am I supposed to do keep my baby a secret ? I am so in love with my little one and when someone says that.


Posted at
Your baby, your Facebook, your life. You can definitely start telling people now if you want or tell them once you find out the sex. If the babies father is your ex then screw him.


Posted at
Who cares what he wants. You can post your happiness about your baby regardless if he is happy or not. Be happy, spill the beans. It's your baby too. It's a shame he is not happy about it, but why should you snuff out your joy because of him?


Posted at
You guys are both having a baby even though you are no longer together as a couple. Assuming he has been there financially during your pregnancy and you believe he will be there emotionally for the child you two should definitely talk things out together. If he hasn't been and seems uninterested in the child I say to hey what he wants. Announce away!


❤️Briabella👗 • Mar 11, 2016
100% agree


Posted at
While it is your FACEBOOK, life, and baby you should consider whether posting it online is important...........,. or having peace with those who are goin to actually be involved in your child's life (ex and ex family)  is important. 


Posted at
Let who ever you want know even if it's not on social media, it's your choice. When my SO and I try again we will be finding out what sex but not telling anyone, our first we where not going to find out but then my waters broke and we lost her 3 days later. 


Posted at
Don't worry about causing problems. It shouldn't. They have zero say in it. Why don't you block your ex mil?