How do you wear your ring?

I'm asking this because I see many women wear the wedding band on the outside, but I've known it suppose to be on the inside. With the wedding band in the inside the engagement protects the marriage.
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I've always been told you wear the wedding band on the inside because that makes it closer to your heart signifying the marriage is close to your heart. It stuck with me, my mother told me and I like this notion. 😊


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In some cultures, the band goes on top. Pretty simple. I wear mine below, but I work in the bridal jewelry industry.


Jean K. • Mar 10, 2016
*Because of my customers, I know it's a cultural thing.


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I wear mine with wedding band on the outside. Thats the order they were given to me and i have ocd. Lmao plus i think "my marriage" the band is protecting and preserving the ealier pieces/times of our relationship.. Never forget what brought you together in the first place


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Double band :)


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I wear the wedding band. Nothing else. Still confuses me that people wear an engagement ring as well. My parents and their parents, etc, never did.


Lady • Mar 15, 2016
Not everyone wants or has an engagement ring. I fall into that category.


Alexis • Mar 15, 2016
Same as Kristin. My engagement ring was expensive and it's very decorative and beautiful. Plus I only had a 4 month engagement so I'm wearing it for life.


Kristin • Mar 12, 2016
My engagement ring cost $5,000 so you're darn skippy I'm wearing them both! Lol


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I wear my wedding band below my engagement ring because I thought that meant it's closer to your heart.


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I wear my wedding band on the inside. Was told to do so at my wedding ceremony. 


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I was told the wedding ring close to your heart and then if widowed reversed till you move it to your other hand or chose not to have it on anymore.


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In Germany, the engagement ring worn together with a wedding band is called "Vorsteckring" which roughly translates to "the ring worn in front of the wedding band". However, Germans wear their rings on the right hand, so plenty of room for the engagement ring on the left (:


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I think the band goes on the inside, but I'm not 100% sure. My engagement ring setting came with a wrap as a matching band, so it's on both sides.