Why is it....

Why is it that when your ttc for over a year and you start to worry weather it's in the cards for you that evey woman around you seems to get pregnant? Well hears something that might make you feel better. I was expressing this frustration to DH the other day and he said you don't know how long they tried. He's right. You don't hear about the journey you just see them proudly proclaim the destination. No one post " 6th mouths in a row nothing ' " 1 year still nothing! Which is why this is a good place becouse you feel alone when everyone else is praising God for their blessing wile your sitting there like Oliver Twist with your empty bowl. I take comfort in knowing I'm not the only one still on the journey. Don't think your alone ether. Let's be friends if you wish . 
I'm  25 , have 35-55 day cycles and have been ttc for just over a year. Nice to meet you .