Smelly coworker.

Kiera 💋🍺🐶 • 23 || 5yrs with my SO💪🏼 || Not TTC but not really using protection. ✌️
I work in a tie dye shop. It's the best job I've had so far since I've moved here to Montana. But OMFG one of my coworkers has the worst hygiene. She smells like a musty old man. She has horrible stubble on her chin. She's an ex stripper who's 36 dating a 19 year old. Always talks about her "kink" life at work. It's gross. No matter how many times you tell her you don't want to hear her stories then more she talks about them. She finds it funny. I find it extremely annoying. I really want to buy her some deodorant and a razor. More than once I have seen her scratch her lady parts like she has balls. It's so gross. I've talked to the other girls about it at work and everyone notices it. And some have even complained to the boss about her smell. Nothing had been done about it. I'm dreading for summer to start because it gets really hot in the shop and basically cooks her stench. So it's 20 times worse. Ugh. I can't stand this woman. She smells. She's inappropriate. She's annoying. And she LOVES to sing to Disney musicals at the top of her lungs.  💩🔫💩🔫 sorry. Had to get that out of my system for the day. Lol