Stumped this morning...

I enjoy tracking my pregnancy and developments of my baby and today at 27 (or something don't rememeber) weeks an app said your fetus has now started to show signs of brain activity. Which I thought was odd and really late. But I digress, it made me wonder why someone pro-choice at any pregnancy stage would also be pro-killing animals. Hunting or just eating meat in general. They think it's wrong to abort a baby even in the early weeks of a pregnancy (when a fetus is more or less, for arguments sake a bunch of cells) but would find it OK to, hurt and kill animals that would be by scientific evidence, more apt to be aware of its fate! This thought stumped me this morning. Don't get to over thinking about it. But basically it's wrong to abort something that isn't even aware of its existence yet, but OK to actually make another completely developed being suffer in fear or pain because you want to eat it. I find it weird. Also late term abortions do not count. Don't even go there because, obviously reasons. Also, because I'm sure some will want to attack me personally for my thought, fyi, I'm pro-life and pro-meat. Lol. Honestly this was just something that crossed my mind and thought was odd. And the bible can't count as an explination of moral stance. Such a cop-out.