Breastfeeding Success

Danielle • Christian 🙏🏾| Wife 💍| Mother of 3.....loading❤😫
Ladies we all know each of us are different just wanted to encourage some of you not to give up on breastfeeding if it's what you really want. A nurse told me two weeks ago when I had just given birth that I would have to feed my baby supplement because I wasn't producing enough! I cried felt discouraged and angry because this burst my bubble of having that connection with my child and the thought of giving him the best nutritional foundation. I continued to let him suck on my breast anyway and then I'd feed him the supplement and by the time I was released home I was producing milk. Next I felt pressured to feed on a schedule (i.e. every 2 hours) versus on demand but I decided to go with what was natural for baby and I and I decided to feed on demand and pump in between. Long story short at the one week appointment my son was weighed in at 8pounds 9oz (his weight upon coming home was 7pounds 6oz) and today at his two week check up he weighed in at 9pounds 5ounces. I exclusively feed him breast milk via expression mostly and sometimes direct from the boob but I say this to say don't give up. No doubt it's hard but you have to figure out what works for you and baby ❤️