My Baby Hates Me?

Sammy • I have the most amazing husband ever an adorable 6 year old and a beautiful baby girl born 7/27/16!
So most of us have toddlers and I'm a stm and have never experienced this with a toddler before. Yesterday when my son woke up he told my husband that he hates him then tells him he hated me. My husband dropped him off with me after I got off work so he could go to work and he told me that he hated me and his unborn baby sister. 
I don't know what is going on but he woke up in a bad mood again this morning and saying he hated us.... I've been crying since yesterday because it makes me feel like he actually hates me... 😞😒
Someone give me some reassurance and tell me that this is just a phase that he will grow out of.