Chemical preg or still preg? Help!!

So kinda long- sorry! I ovulated nearly a month ago and felt symptoms straight away. My period was two days late, but was weird. Usually it's really heavy for 4 days and lighter for 2 but it was normal for a day, lighter the next day and then 6 days of vvvv light spotting. I took a text on day 3 of spotting and it was a vvvvvfl. I took a test of same brand next day and bfn!! 😫 so went to Drs as been feeling very down and weepy as assumed it was due to depression coming back and had a few panic attacks. She said it was probably hormonal and that i had a chemical pregnancy. 
Well, I guess I was still feeling hopeful and felt pregnant still and I got a stronger positive than before! Is this hormones from Chemical pregnancy or could I actually still be pregnant? 
This ttc business is so emotionally draining!!!! X