Just suck it up or...


Okay. My last period was January 29th 2016. My S/O and I do not use protection. The ol' 'pull out' method. I've been peeing a lot more then usual, tired (but what mom of a toddler isn't?) Lol. And I get cramps, like, in my stomach and side area on and off, but they are different than menstrual cramps. I can tell I've gained a little weight, and I've gone up a cup size. I've have all negative tests. Should I just suck it up and visit my doctor for a blood test or am I just over thinking things?

When I was pregnant with my son, I had no clue until I took a trip to Boston and got sick, I was about 6 weeks when I found out. If I'm pregnant I'd be 7 weeks tomorrow, but literally I feel like I don't have any symptoms.

**baby dust**