Any advice please?!

Christine • 24 . Jersey .
So in the beginning of my pregnancy I was very emotional, I felt like my man (baby's father) was cheating all the time. I always had a feeling. We been together going to be 2 years in June and he's never cheated through out the relationship, or just never got caught lol so I just didn't say anything because he never gave me a reason to think other wise so I been okay since a few days ago. I'm starting to have that feeling again that he's cheating. Last night his phone died I text him twice and it didn't go through so a few hours later I called him and his phone was on and he answered and said his phone died and he just got a charger so i didn't believe him and just hung up. That was around 10pm last night. I woke up about a hour ago still haven't heard from him since 10pm last night, I go on IG and he likes a girls picture on IG , that pissed me off. I know it's just IG so it's not that serious but should I talk to him about it all or just let it go because it's just me being emotional & pregnant lol ?