I couldnt believe this happend!

A!S • FTM 💓 due July 2016 &doing it alone.
Long story short..I'm driving home from my midwife appt this woman has her blinker on to get over to left lane (which she gets over one lane) keeps it on but isn't gettin over well its a green light so im going straight and this BITCH fuckin starts coming over and I'm literally right next to her! So luckily my quick reflexes i go into turning lane so she doesnt hit my car but i thought she scraped against it thats how close she came...so i layes on my horn...she waves her hands around like no big deal fuck you. ..so i park in the lane i was pretty much pushed into and get out check my car debated draggin that fuckin bitch outta the car and beating her (not senseless cuz apperently she's fuckin brain dead already) but im yellin, flippin her off just irate...i got in my car pulled up next to her yelled and flipped her off and sped off....uhg...i tell you it was gonna end badly for everyone..but i figure karma will bite her in the ass she'll get hers aoon enough if she keeps driving that way. Uhhhg i can't stand stupid drivers. ..its like she was TRYING to hit me...insane...