JFC with the f#=!ing Food Stamp posts.

🐢Mrs. Turtle🐢 • I`m a stay at home to my darling daughters aged 11, 11, 3, and son 10 months 💗💗💗💗

Why are food stamps such a big deal? For those of us who use the minimal amount we get to actually feed our family, getting constantly heckled and bashed for swiping the damn card is getting old. YES there are mfs who abuse the system, but you arent gonna find them here! Those POS are too high to type and are probably laughing at how much it annoys people at what they do. Just like 99% of users of this app are tired of seeing election, abortion, and race as topics, I am EQUALLY sick of seeing whining about WIC and food stamps.

FYI: I am a SAHM who gets WIC and Food Stamps. My husband and roommate work 9 hour days 5 days a week and that barely covers rent, insurance, gas, and utilities. As a matter of fact, we STILL have to spend money to supplement our food so my kids dont go hungry.

I could care less what judgemental people who swear theyre being financially crippled by these programs have to say because what they dont seem to get is you cant just go get Food Stamps. You have to qualify. And half the time the only way you qualify is because of kids. If you "know" someone abusing the system, then report it. Otherwise YOU are the damn problem.