Weight Loss?

Jasmine • Being a dancer and artist is not as easy as it seems sweetheart.
OK I'm 18 years old about to turn 19 into months and I weigh 172 pounds now I'm a dancer and I know a lot of it is muscle because I dance about five days a week excluding Monday and Friday so I'm only 5'4 and I've noticed that I've gained a slight pouch on my stomach it's the stretch marks on my side in a little bit of rolls on my sides and I was just wondering if anybody had any suggestions for losing this I suggest it's mainly water weight but I still want to gone as soon as possible I have a history of eating disorders so I don't really trust myself to do this by myself so I would actually like a lot of you could give me good tips good healthy tips on burning fat because I feel I am very healthy and far too young to even be thinking about Shapeware thanks 💕