Just need to let it out, long story

Last year I was casually dating someone I met at a club. We were together for about 6 months and then I found out I was pregnant. We always used protection, but one time the condom did broke and even though I took plan b it didn't work. I didn't found out I was pregnant until I was 9 weeks. I took a test, and it was positive. I have never been the kind of person to want to have kids, I always though kids were awesome just not for me. So I went to Planned parenthood to see if I could take the termination pill, that's were I was informed how far along I was and how they couldn't take it anymore. The only option was the in clinic abortion. I was honestly not going to tell the baby's dad, reason was because we weren't in a relationship. I knew it was something casual and we had both made it clear that's all we wanted. I didn't want to make the decision by myself though, not after I had seen the ultrasound scan so I told him. He freaked out  but was supportive saying he would support my decision no matter what it was. 
The next day though, I got a text from him saying to call the abortion clinics to see when I could get it done. I was taken back but at the same time I thought since he was the dad h should have a right to say what he wanted as well. I called several and all of them were booked until mid December (this was at the beginning of November). I let him know and he accused me of lying and said he was going to call himself. Just as I got off work he called me with a clinic representative on the line saying there was an appointment in 7 days in another city. I felt like I was put on the spot to make that appointment I felt pressured by him. The appointment was set and I don't talk to him until 2 days before the appointment. 
4 days before the appointment, my mom found out, she saw the confirmation paper from planned parenthood. She confronted me about it and I told her everything. In a way I did it because I knew she would talk me out of going through with it and that's the push that I needed.( I'm 23 by the way) I know I'm more than capable of making my own decisions but I was just really torn between what I wanted and taking in consideration what the baby's dad wanted. 
So I told him when he called me to check if I was ready for the appointment that I was not going to go through with it. He got extremely upset and began arguing. He then told me how he was actually married and expecting a baby with his wife. I had no idea, all that time we were together I had been to his apartment, met some friends of his. There was nothing that could have given me a clue that he was married(he's 24). He said I was an inconsiderate ***** for wanting to have a baby without his dad because he was never going to care about me or that baby. That's when I had had enough and just hang up on him and blocked him. 
I'm now 28 weeks along and I can't wait to have this baby in my arms, he's going to be a boy and I know he is and will be the best decision I ever made. I know I can fully support this baby plus I have my parents full support as well. I still don't know how to feel towards the baby's dad. I mostly try to forget about it but there are days when I feel angered and betrayed. I'm not sure what I will tell my baby when he's old enough to understand how his dad is not in his life but I will take this day by day.