Incompetent cervix! Depression kicking in. Help!

On March 19th 2016 i had the most perfect little boy. But, because of my incompetent cervix he was delivered at 20wks 3days of gestation. I didnt know i had this till 4days before delivering him. I had to head to the hospital because i was 4cm dilated and my bag was outside my cervix. They tried to give me options like induce or try buying him time to grow. (Me and my husband decided to buy him time) at only 4days of waiting i started bleeding. I knew it was time and i didnt know how to handle it. . . I was rushed to the delivery room and with in an hr he was born. So tiny and fragile. Now .. a day after delivery, i have to plan his viewing! When i should be enjoying my pregnancy. I am upset with the world. I dont want to eat or see anyone. I am emotionally confused. I dont know what to do. All i want to sleep and never wake up. 8yrs after trying to conceive this happens. What am i supposed to do? I need help.