I survived Leukemia but can I survive labor??

Cheyenne • Baby making machine. Well, this is my first but hormonally speaking I want like 5.

I had Leukemia during my childhood and underwent several spinal taps. I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not the scar tissue from the spinal taps will prevent me from getting an epidural? I've looked at placement pictures and the epidural looks to be exactly where my spinal taps were done. I am so blessed to be healthy and to be able to have a child at all so I embrace a completely natural birth, just trying to mentally prepare myself for what is to come!

Thank you for your input for my daughter Jolene Olivia and I (:

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Posted at
I honestly have no idea, but it sounds like a great question. Maybe you can meet an anesthesiologist ahead of time to find out?


Posted at
Ask your doctor or midwife, they will be able to tell you.