Since I became pregnant my cat is INSANE!!!!

Lucy • Married for almost 6 years. First time mommy.
My cat is 1 year old. He's always been a little fiesty. But since I got pregnant he's gone completely insane. Tearing up everything and running around the house like a crazy wild beast. His hair sticks straight up and he has even lunged at me. He attacks me often and bit me so hard the other night I had to rip him off. I have scratches all over me and he continually gets behind our bed and dresser and unplugs everything by literally ripping out the plugs. We have started having to lock him away when people come over because he attacks and bites them. He's a wild maniac. I don't know what to do anymore. I think the only option we have left is to get rid of him. I can't have this happen when the baby gets here. I really will lose it. Can anyone give me some advice?