She's here

Delivered my baby in Friday March 18th. I was schedule to be induced tomorrow morning on Monday. But my child had her own plans. I experienced constant cramps on Thursday night. I didn't realize they were contractions. Until they got progressively worse and more painful throughout the night. I never passed my mucous plug. But I felt a lot of heavy bleeding. I called the doctor once the pain was I'm tolerable and the bleeding began. I told the nurse that I was to be induced and she told me it did not look like I was going to make it two days. I was on my way to labor and delivery that night.  I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning. The doctor told me that I was in labor and would be delivering later that day.  This scared me because I was not prepared.  The doctor decided to give me pitocin to speed up the contractions and delivery. My contractions got on bearable within half an hour. I got my epidural and shortly after was dilated to 10 cm.  I have officially gone into labor and started pushing. My daughter came up quick in the whole process was no more than seven hours.  I had a second-degree tear. I am so glad I could not feel because of the epidural.  My daughter was born at 1:22 PM. Weighed 4 lbs. 14 oz.  17 inches long. I delivered her I'm 36 weeks