I can't stand being treated like a house maid

Stephanie • Mom of 4 kiddos, 1 boy & 3 girls (a set of twins in there) with #5 due in June 2016.
Even my 4 year old and 3 year old twins can take their dishes to the sink when they finish eating. But for some reason my husband can't. He leaves beer bottles and cups all over the place. Today alone I've cleaned up 5 cups that were his alone. He takes his dirty, smelly socks off when he sits on the couch and drops them on the floor. He rarely cleans the dishes and can't be bothered to put juice containers back in the fridge after he pours a cup. Our bedroom smells horrible and looks like an episode of hoarders on his side of the room. Last month I did 19 loads of his laundry over 3 days and folded it and put it all away. This month his closet and dresser are empty but there is a "mountain" on the floor. At least that's what my kids call it. New baby is due in less then 3 months and I know I always get particularly antsy about having a clean house but I'm sick of this mess. And he treats me like I'm a crazy, hormonal women if I ask him to clean. Yes he works full time and I only work part time. But seriously this is too much for me. I want to put all his dirty clothes in the garage so I can clean our bedroom and our carpet but I know he'll freak out. Ugh.