Hoping I can offer some reassurance


I am pregnant with my 2nd. I have suffered an ectopic pregnancy and 2 miscarriages in the past. This past Friday, at 6 weeks 3 days I had bright red bleeding -quite a lot, no cramps. I called my doc. There was no U/S tech available so I was told to rest until today (Monday) when I could be seen for an appointment (there was an on-call doc available to call if the bleeding got worse or I was experiencing pain).

I spotted some over the weekend but that was nothing compared to Friday. I have had little to no pregnancy symptoms - light nausea here and there and a little fatigue but I have experienced a lot worse.

Today, by ultrasound I was able to see my baby, still growing with a heartbeat at 125bpm! The doc could see a slight hematoma where the placenta connected (implantation) and thinks the bleed came from there but it has had no impact on the baby or my pregnancy. So there is hope ladies. Stay calm, relax, talk to your doctor. With my history I prepared myself for the worst today and was more than pleasantly surprised. 😄