Sometimes change is good.

I dated a senior when I was a freshman. He was a jerk, he smoked weed all the time & partied every weekend and was known to be a player. As naive as i was I still have him a chance. I eventually fell in love with him. He took my virginity. Everyone told me he cheated on me but I never believed them, then my bestfriend told me and I busted him! Turns out the scum bag did it a lot lol. So I was dumb and took him back, we broke up about 6 time over our 2 years of being together. My last straw was when he got aggressive with me and threw me on the ground. I was heart broken. I went into depression. He begged for me back but I promised myself I would move on for the better. 1 year later I found the absolute love of my life. I know it sounds crazy considering I'm only 17, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows how it feels to know you have the right guy. He loves me, he treats me perfect, he doesn't talk to other girls, he is honest, he doesn't smoke nor party really, he's athletic, and he loves to have fun, oh and of course our sex is amazing. He makes me happier than ever. I love him and I can't wait to spend forever with him. So that's just a tip that sometimes you have to let things you think is good go, so better things can fall into place. :)