In my feelings

Anjanette • 25 yrs young expecting our 1st!! It's a girl🎀🍼👶🏽 Due June 8th!! Happily married for 2 yrs!!
So when it comes to my relationship I am a very physical person. Not as in sex but I love being around my SO, holding hands, cuddling, etc. where as my husband is not as much as physical when it comes to showing affection. Well I am now in my third trimester of my pregnancy(with our first child), & now we are the complete opposite. Strange!! (Well at least to me) Don't get me wrong I still love my husband more && more each day(April will be our second wedding anniversary). I just don't feel sexy or anything. But my husband will just stare as I get dressed, constantly compliment me, can't keep his hands off me, always wants to be intimate. I can't help but feel like I'm neglecting him. I've told him how I feel && he understands. Is this normal  behavior during pregnancy?? How did  your SO adjust to your pregnancy??