This is weird

So my so and I we're having a talk about my family and me moving away. I have done this before left for ten years due to my disfuctional family situation... So I guess he's mad because he doesn't understand what I'm going threw and not wanting to leave my home that not in his name, or nowhere on the lease... So he says to me that's why I can't have kids then called me a b..... The entire situation went from me talking about my family issues to everything being about him and not wanting to move.. This dude called me crazy... And that was just a messed up situation over me and my family issues and what to leave... I'm still anger I want to leave him because that was unnecessary..... He hit way below the belt! And I'm still in shock, because this was my situation with my family.... He came from nothing I ended with him to try someone different... He has no car I have my own car he has no clothes just stuff he works in and this has been his life all of his life..