A friend who sucks at conversation grrrrrrrr

She was my bestfriend but we just don't hang out as much mostly bc she's annoying AF! Here's a typical conversation 
Me: hey whatcha doing?
Her: nothing, just having dinner 
Me: that's nice, what are u having 
Her: stuff
Another conversation, one from yesterday actually.
Her:omg a friend stole from me
Me: wow that sucks, who was it
Her: someone I've known for awhile
Me: oh what'd they take?
Her: stuff
Me: okay want to explain
Another conversation
Me:hey, how's school and things going
Me: what u studying again
Her: a bunch of stuff
Me: like what?
Her: ya know just stuff
She never explains shit just sooo irritating. Every time I text her it's always like that. Stuff stuff stuff. I deleted her for now. I can't stand the way she converse. She never ask how I am or what's going on in my life.