How do i tell my husband he broke my heart?


I had my 3rd baby in September and we decided it would be best if I had my tubes tied. My last pregnancy was full of complications and I am 35 so thought it would be best. I was unsure about doing it, but did it anyhow because 3 kids is quite a handful. I'm still sad some days but am getting a little better every day. Then last night we are laying in bed and playing with our youngest 2 kids and he looks at me and says we make pretty babies. I said yes we do. Then he says let's have one more. My heart stopped and shattered. I just started crying and walked away. I haven't been able to even look at him with out wanting to cry. I just needed to vent for a second...

Thank you if you read all the way through.

UPDATE- I cooled down enough to process how I needed to talk to him about it. As soon as I brought it up he started to apologize. He said he felt aweful as soon as the words had left his lips. He realized how insensitive it was for him to say because my depression has gotten worse since my surgery. He said that in all honesty he would've listened when I told him I wasn't sure if I was ready to have them tied. We are not in any position to have them untied and try again.