Chances of getting pregnant



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Here are a quick rundown of your fertility when you are trying to conceive (TTC) according to the incredibly helpful ASRM guide Optimizing Natural Fertility:

20% – 37% The chance of conception for young fertile couples (YFC) during their first 3 months of TTC.

80% The chance of conception for a YFC during their first year of TTC.

90% The chance of conception for a YFC during their first two year of TTC.

9.4% The chance of conception for a YFC from a single episode of sex on cycle day (CD) 12.

3.2% The chance of conception for a YFC from a single episode of sex on CD 8. 

< 2% The chance of conception for a TFC from a single episode of sex on DC 21. 

Age 50 The year that male fertility starts to decrease appreciably.

5 days An abstinence interval that may start to negatively affect sperm counts

37% The chance of conception (CoC) associated with daily sex during the fertile window for a YFC.

33% The CoC associated with sex that occurs every other day during the fertile window for a YFC.

15% The CoC associated with sex that occurs once a week during the fertile window for a YFC.

50% The percent of time that women who monitor their cycles are able to accurately predict ovulation.

38% The rate of pregnancy when sex occurred on the day of peak mucus (EWCM).

15-20% The rate of pregnancy when sex occurred on days before or after peak mucus (EWCM).

< 60 seconds The time it takes for sperm to be found in the cervical canal after ejaculation.

2x The increase in the time to conception if the female partner has a BMI over 35.

4x The increase in the time to conception if the female partner has a BMI under 19.

60% Increase in the relative risk of infertility due to smoking.

60% Increase in the relative risk of infertility due to drinking more than 2 drink per day.

70% Increase in the relative risk of infertility due to illicit drugs.

We hope these numbers help you make the right choice for you and your fertility!

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