Gestational Diabetes
Group for pregnant mamas diagnosed with gestational diabetes to share advice, and experiences.
Creator: Amanda
Members: 17
Failed 1-hour glucose
If you failed your one hour glucose (with 12 hour fast) what was your levels and did you pass your 3 hour test?
Last reply Oct 20, 2022
Gestational Diabetes Labour
Hello! So anyone that had gestational diabetes, I was just wondering did you notice an obvious change in your blood glucose readings right before labour began? I’m on a CGM and have noticed at 38 weeks a slightly higher trend the last two days but still in range. Did anyone notice a slight increase in glucose or decrease that then turned out to be the body preparing for labour? Thanks!!!
Last reply Oct 18, 2022
Failed 3hr glucose???
This is my second pregnancy. I know every pregnancy is different so I wasn’t overly shocked when I failed the first and had to do the 3hr this time when I didn’t with my first child. I was told I would be stuck 4 times. Once before drinking the drink and once every hour after drinking it. She told me we would have to wait for the results of the first draw to come back before we can continue with the test. I needed to be at or below a 95 and it came back a 107. She sent me home so I didn’t even do the test and she said I failed. How can I fail something I didn’t even take? In all the reading and research I’ve done, every single resource has said they need two abnormal values present in the test to declare it failing and to diagnose gestational diabetes. Has anyone else have this happen to them?
Last reply Aug 14, 2022
2 weeks postpartum
So during my pregnancy I had gestational diabetes and after labor my numbers went back to normal the only thing I was curious it was the morning I checked yesterday my fasting number was 107!!! But the rest it was normal has anyone happen to yall? Does that mean I’m diabetic or something what’s going on?😭
Last reply Dec 22, 2021
Gestational diabetes question
Has anyone had Gd and there baby’s belly’s are to big my baby’s belly is measuring at 41 weeks and I’m 37 weeks so now I have to have a c section but I just wnat to know if baby comes out safe and ok ?
Last reply Aug 29, 2021
Breakfast for gestational diabetes
I was recently diagnosed with GD and all 5 out of 6 blood glucose testings are within range but i cant seem to get my breakfast level under control! I've tried increasing my protein intake with my carbs but that didnt help..tried exercising for 15 mins after my meal and that didnt do anything either..anyone had this problem or no what i can do to keep my bfast levels under control? It should be under 7.8 mmol (140mg) but i've been getting 8.8 (158mg) and 8.6 (155mg) for the past few days. Any help or advice is appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
Last reply Apr 7, 2020
What was your GD/non-GD induction experience?
Yesterday at my checkup I was told I may end up being induced by the 2nd or 3rd (DD is the 7th) so I'm not delivering a big baby. They'll induce me only if she doesn't come on her own before then. My numbers have been great so far but I guess I'm worried about the rush of pain associated with induction. What were your experiences? How can I prepare myself? What do you wish you were told before being induced?
Last reply Nov 19, 2019
Freaking out-blood sugar 233 after dinner!!!
So we ate out tonight. I'm freaking out because my blood sugar was 233 an hour after I ate. I have eaten this same meal before and never had it spike like that. Is this one time going to possibly hurt my baby? I'm freaking out here. Not sure if I should call my OB. Anyone else have this happen?
Last reply Mar 2, 2019
Failed Glucose Test by 3 Points
Failed my first 1 hour Glucose test by 3 points. I have to now take the 3 hour test. Anyone take the three hour test and pass?! I wasn’t able to exercise most of my pregnancy due to placenta previa and now I think I’m paying the price. That’s cleared up, but now we have the glucose thing. I don’t want to have to be on insulin :(
Last reply Nov 27, 2018
Glucose and Ketones
Last reply Jun 7, 2018
Failed 1hr glucose test with a reading of 164
Has anyone passed the 3hr glucose test that had a similar glucose reading around 164? What can I expect if I did not pass the 3hr treat? Any insight to help me understand and calm down would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. -A worried mom to be
Last reply Apr 17, 2018
glucose meter ??
has anyone purchased a glucose meter at Wal-Mart and it been any count?? if so which one. I do not have GD but I was VERY close to failing and would feel better monitoring my levels until my due date in 2 weeks
Last reply Oct 17, 2017