UK Mum's with August 2019 babies!

A place UK mum's can talk because the UK/US set up is so different ☺️

Creator: Emsmoiselle

Members: 38


Any updates on how it went for you all? I had a healthy boy, born on 4th Sept in the end. Weighing 6lb 6oz. Went through 60 hours of labour then an emergency cesarean as he decided to turn his head at the last minute!

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Last reply Nov 12, 2019

UK Mums - Parent Class question...

Hi ladies 👋🏽I am booked in to go to a 2 hour parenting class tomorrow night and wondered if anyone has attended these and if they were useful? I am pretty clued up on babies and how to raise one but my midwife asks at every appointment to book it so I felt the pressure and did.Is it covering the very basic stuff like ‘Make sure you support baby’s neck’ and ‘burp after feeds’ etc .. ? Did anyone find it really useful or a waste of time as you knew it anyway? TIA x

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Last reply Jul 13, 2019


Hey, we paid for a 5 week course in the end. I know the basics but I definitely learnt loads on the course. Things i learnt that I didn't think about was how my local hospital and midwives work, how to 'use the system' to our advantage and lots of tips! Didn't do the NHS one but I reckon for two hours it might be worth a shot xx

Nearly there!!!!! ☺️

How're you all doing? It's hot ay? I'm buying a paddling pool this week....

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Last reply Jun 27, 2019

21 weeks and operated on!

I'm 21 weeks pregnant today and I've had a roller-coaster week. On Tuesday afternoon I was hospitalised with terrible abdominal pain in my right hand groin/side (a bit like period pain at the start but within two hours I was doubled up at work with an ambulance en route). First thoughts from the NHS and me were labour but thankfully, it wasn't. Next up, investigating what it was, this took forever and we only found out yesterday afternoon that the reason for the pain was a twisted ovary brought on by the growth of the uterus (no cyst present). I've been operated on today and they had to remove the ovary because it had twisted round itself five times...! Fair to say I've experienced the worst pain I've ever had but thankful to say that the baby's heartbeat is strong and there were no complications. So, here I lay in hospital, recovering and if nothing goes wrong I should be home tomorrow. Super scary but I'm on cloud 9 that everything is okay. I wanted to share this so you can see there can be positive outcomes following intense surgery when pregnant and that pregancy can cause a twisted ovary (much to some of the doctors surprise may I add!). Massive thanks to the NHS for being so kind, supportive and amazing 🙏🏼

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Last reply Apr 19, 2019


Hey, how are you doing now? Little one okay?

20 week scan on 2 days....

Morning all! Got our 20 week scan on Friday. I'm so frightened wee bub isn't developing properly, even though I've heard the heartbeat. We're going to find out the sex and I'm excited for that and just to see the little love but after hearing about my best friends sister who had something awful happen at this stage recently, I just can't get it out of my head!How're you all feeling? I'm 19+5 and physically, I'm feeling good. Started pregnancy yoga this week and apart from the odd ligament pain and nearly constant heartburn things aren't too bad. I hope spring is cheering you all up after a grim winter and you're all feeling good. Happy Wednesday✌🏼

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Last reply Apr 11, 2019


Hey E, how did the scan go?

How're you all getting on?!

16+3 today with first baby. Lucky enough to be on holiday so I'm parading what's there of my bump and its nice to 'let it all out'! It's definitely helped being away from work but I'm dreading going back. Just glad there is only 4 more months of work before ML. Symptoms have mostly gone since coming on holiday apart from the standard heartburn, constipation and 'I need to eat when I'm hungry or I turn in to a monster' thing. I have eaten too much fish (according to guidelines) so freaking out a little... I have my 2nd midwife Appt. when I get home, then my 1st Obstetrician Appt. (got hypothyroidism and B- blood) and then our 2nd scan, all within two weeks of each other. Very nervous/excited for the scan (we are going to find out gender - are you?). How're you all doing? xx

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Last reply Mar 21, 2019


Had my 16+1 week appointment on Monday. I’m a little behind you. Next one isn’t until 16th April. So long to wait between appointments. Have you now had your appointments? How did they go? Getting the same heartburn, constipation, hunger and occasional acid reflux but on the whole it’s much nicer than the first three months. Could do without work as you say! You’ll be fine with the fish. Midwife said, occasional binge is fine. If you’re doing it throughout the whole pregnancy, maybe not. You’re on holiday! Yayy! That’s nice. Enjoy it all. They say this is the best time of the pregnancy to go on a trip so why not. I also have hypothyroidism (I think it’s the one I’ve got anyway!). Last blood test came back saying that it’s levelled off to a healthy level so they’ll just check back in 2 months so bit relieved about that. I’m on levo thyroxine 75mg. It’s important to take it as recommended to ensure it works. Apparently deterring from the instructions can mean it doesn’t work quickly enough. I tale it at 7am 30 before any food or drink and don’t have any caffeine in my diet. I’m in two minds about finding out. I want to but everyone (parents, siblings, friends) including my husband don’t want to know so I might need to play along. The only person in my camp is my 7 year old stepson. He’s made this pregnancy a million times more special for me. He is the cutest. He kisses and cuddles my bump which melts my heart every time. He’s gone from only doting on his father and giving me a quick hug when he’s leaving to being totally comfortable and affectionate with me. Even my husband’s ex is being lovely. I’m pretty much walking on air all the time. I love stroking my belly constantly. Do you? Loving the pregnancy feeling. 😊Are you finding out?

15 weeks and still no word on my 16 week app?

Hi everyone so I am 15 weeks pregnant and have already received my 20 week scan date in the post one week ago but still nothing regarding my 16 week appointment? Is this normal?

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Last reply Feb 26, 2019


I rang my GP as soon as I knew I was pregnant and they booked me in for an 8 week appointment with the midwife at the GP surgery. While I was there they also booked in my 16 week appointment. I'd ring up as you should be booked in by now.


I have had by the flu jab ever so apprehensive!

First look on love day 😍

So we had our first scan today, although s**ting myself I am so relieved because thankfully everything is fine. Baby was naughty so we were able to watch them dance about for ages - feel very lucky for that as it was such a cool/surreal/amazing thing to see. We were bang on with due date calculations so no change there - 13 weeks tomorrow. I also found out my blood type, B Neg. Means I have to have anti-D injections at 28/34 weeks then another if baby has a positive blood type. We're off out to celebrate tonight (even if I am shattered and even though I've had a nap today and could go for another!). I definitely feel different and more relaxed already... Phew!! Happy Love Day everyone ✌🏻💕

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Last reply Feb 14, 2019


Righy I'm 14 weeks +5 days. i had my bloods done at my 12 week dating scan, and still haven't had my results by post. How long do they normally take? it's been a while since so I've forgotten how long it normally takes. Thanks.

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Last reply Feb 23, 2019


I don’t get why they make us wait. Even if no news is good news, how long does it take to quickly call and say, it’s all fine. Obviously we’re going to be worried until it’s confirmed!

12 weeks today! How're you all doing?

The bloat seems to have gone and I'm left with this little bump ☺️ still have a week to wait for the scan. I'm still getting nausea but only when I'm hungry. I get breathless quite a bit now but I'm definitely feeling a bit better. How are you all doing? xx

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Last reply Feb 8, 2019


I look like I did at 20 weeks and am 14. Although I am second baby and there is only 3.5 months between my son being born and this pregnancy. I feel massive! Am also very tired.Your little bump is so cute! Am already size 16 so I have a belly but I have a wobbly bump 🤣

Winter 🤧

Is anyone else struggling with colds? Got my second in one month. On top of the symptoms I'm finding it all a bit much! Time off work, barely being out of pj's, not seeing friends or family... I feel like a really boring, moody, ill potato 🙄

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Last reply Feb 25, 2019


Me too. I never get colds but got one now and feeling rough! How are you feeling now?


So has anyone else been freaking out because all the Americans get to hear their baby’s heartbeat and we have to wait until so much later! ☹️

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Last reply Feb 23, 2019


Yes! Mine didn’t know and I kept reading about the Americans kiddie heartbeats
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Last reply Jan 29, 2019


Am to fat for my bath 🛁🤣🤣

Today is the day!

I'm feeling somewhat excited and nervous, today is the day i finally have my dating scan and finally see the baby. I've got my mother and the fathers baby coming with me today. Who did you take with you to your scans? Also have any of you lovely ladies got your 12 week scan pictures to look at? 😆

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Last reply Jan 29, 2019


16 days until my scan 😩 I'll be taking my partner. My baby bloat is coming on big time since last week. I'm a first timer so it looks very odd 🤣

Can't keep up!!

The symptoms are persistent but keep changing pace! Usually it's nausea helped by food and now it's nausea after food..... Arhghhhh!! 19 days until scan 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Last reply Jan 28, 2019


Not counting or anything 🥰.I got to 9 week and my vomiting subsided i was proper cocking then boom started again. It’s a rollercoaster. My vomiting and nausea is much more intense this pregnant. 12 weeks 3 days and I still have nausea but haven’t been sick for a few days!

12 weeks scan in Monday - scared

Hey how’s everyone? I have my 12 weeks scan Monday, am technically 12 weeks today but that’s just lmp. I had a scan at 8 weeks and all looked good but am just so scared. I had a late loss last year, and scan now scare me so much

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Last reply Jan 26, 2019


Hey, I imagine it's best to not be worried..... But hey, that's easy to say. I won't rest until my scan. It'll be here in no time and you'll finially be able to rest up a bit!! I'm sure everything is perfect, especially after the 8 week scan 😊 I'm struggling myself, finding it hard to do anything but sleep and eat. Feeling a bit depressed but kind of okay with that as it feels like a normal feeling considering all these changes. Trying to focus on next steps and keep busy. Let us know how you get on!!! xx

Slacking at work 😣

I'm finding it hard to get in to work or at least focus when I'm there now that my nausea has become more persistent. How are you lot getting on? I feel really guilty but it's just how it is I guess...

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Last reply Jan 21, 2019


Am off work right now still on maternity leave after my sons birth in July, but back 4th February. I remember really struggling with work the 1st trimester, it gets easier, it’s so hard with feeling sick and excited and worried all in one go. You focus does shift, I used to be mad about work in early away late committed! By 14 weeks I was like do my job go home!

Feel stupid 😂😂

OK so for some unknown reason I've been questing when do you have your bloods done. I've opted into have all bloods done. Am I right they are done after your 12 week scan?

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Last reply Jan 21, 2019


I had those ones done at my first midwife appointment. They brogght both 40 min appointments together into one big appointment. Took about an hour. Took bloods, urine sample and did lots of paperwork x