June/July 2020 IVF/FET

support group for IVF/FET in June/July 2020

Creator: Grace

Members: 341

Baseline & We have 6 follicles already ☺️☺️

So I’m moving on to my 2nd IVF Cycle and with the first we only retrieved 3 eggs and 1 fertilized.Today I went for my baseline and on cycle day 2 I have 3 follicles on each ovary!!! I’m so excited could this be a good sign that I will have more eggs during retrieval?? I star my Gonal F and Menopur on Thursday!! I’m still excited nervous anxious and feeling like it’s moving pretty fast!!!Can it be a great sign that they see 6 follicles already???

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Last reply Jul 23, 2020


Absolutely!!! It sounds like a great start! Hopefully a few more will show up and you have a great round this time! 🙏🏻🤞🏻♥️🙏🏻🤞🏻♥️🙏🏻🤞🏻♥️🙏🏻🤞🏻

Sensitive: Loss of a Twin

Hi ladies. Just thought I’d update all of you. Went in for my 10 week scan today which was also my graduation day from the fertility clinic. Baby A (pictured in the left sac) stopped growing right after my 8 week scan and had no more heartbeat. My RE was shocked because they both had been measuring on track and had strong heartbeats at my 6 and 8 week scans. Baby B remains strong and big measuring right at 10 weeks with a heartbeat of 170. My husband and I are crushed about twin A as we finally just told our families who were elated. Trying to be joyful still for the remaining babe. Could just use some prayers for strength in this journey. I will say it doesn’t get easier even after the positive tests. Stay strong! 🤍👼🏼

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Last reply Jul 23, 2020


Prayers for your growing family love 💕 🙏🏽

PGS testing/results

Hi everyone, I did my retrieval last Wednesday and we retrieved 22 eggs, 20 mature, 19 fertilized and just found out 11 made it to day 6 and will be sent for testing and frozen.Is there a typical percentage of embryos that come back that are useable for transfer? What was your experience with PGS testing?

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Last reply Jul 26, 2020


I had 28 retrieved, 27 matured,16 fertilized and sent for testing and got 8 normal embryos

Any cycle buddies ???

I start stim meds this Friday July 24 retrieval expected sometime around August 3-5 this is my first ivf cycle!

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Last reply Jul 21, 2020


I start stims tomorrow, retrieval is expected anywhere from 8/3 to 8/5 😊😊😊 this is our first round.

First ultrasound after fet

When is usually the first ultrasound after a FET?

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Last reply Nov 18, 2020


What is discovered at the first ultrasound ? How many babies you are having?

CYST on ovary before FET / a small Vent

I am making this post just in case anybody starts frantically searching like I did when they find out they have a cyst on their ovary before starting their FET protocol!! Over the weekend I was in the ER for problems unrelated to fertility (GI pains) everything turned out find with my stomach but a CT scan & ultrasound both revealed I had a 3.4cm cyst on my left ovary, my lining was also at 11mm & my uterus had a heterogenous appearance... this was all noted on the paperwork from the ER. I was 2.5 weeks post retrieval. Just 4 days after that ultrasound was taken I had another with my RE which revealed 2 very small cysts on my left ovary (no significance), estradiol and progesterone super low, lining at 6.1 and trilaminar (beautiful appearance per my RE) ..... big difference huh!! We go through so damn much with IVF. Our bodies are absolutely amazing. My RE told me from the very jump that each day our bodies change (for the better/back to normal after retrieval)... i’m glad he was right! Idk why I had so much variance (especially with my lining) in just 4 days.... but I also had a check with my OBGYN which their scans correlated with my most recent scans from my RE 🙌🏼 neither my OBGYN or RE is worried & my FET schedule is actually pushed up!! Transfer date set for August 10th 😍Ladies, im here to tell you to trust the process and your doctor! Hospital physicians are good at emergency medicine but they can literally be just about as dumb as a door knob when it comes to specialty’s like fertility. The damn ER doctor told me I had a “large mass in my abdomen” I freaked out only to further discover it was nothing more than a small cyst on my ovary... like really?!?!?! A mass bro?!?! 😑 Then they prescribe me a medicine to pick up for my GI pains, I ask the doctor “is this okay to take during pregnancy because I am trying to get pregnant”..... his reply? might you ask, “Oh idk about that, call your GYN” umm excuse me sir.... can I see your medical license because ARE U EVEN A F****** DOCTOR 😅 Anyway.... Its been an amazing day/great results for me! If anybody ever finds themself in this situation my doctor told me as long as the cyst isn’t 5cm or larger, causing pain, and/or producing hormones then its of no significance and a woman should be able to carry on with her cycle. Its all normal from being post egg retrieval 😌Trust your body, trust the process, set backs and road blocks do happen... but in the end, the result is always the same... a healthy, beautiful baby that we’ve all been praying so hard for!!! 🤱🏻🤱🏾🤱🏽🤱🏼Baby Dust To All 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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Last reply Jul 22, 2020


Phew! As a wife of a doctor, I can safely say that the vast majority of doctors have no clue about fertility. I'm pretty sure I know more about fertility than my husband 😂

Embryos not suitable for biopsy

Anyone been told that their embryos are not suitable for biopsy, but are good to freeze? Im kind of confused here, if its not good to be biopsied, how can it be good to transfer? We wanted to do PGS but now cant do that.

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Last reply Jul 21, 2020


Interesting! Never heard of this. I had 2 embryos that made it to freeze and we biopsied both. Had a third embryo that was a fresh transfer.

Check in 7/21

Hi all of you beautiful ladies! I noticed there wasn’t a check in today, so I hope it’s okay if I start one. Does anyone have any exciting updates? Retrieval coming up? Transfer FET or fresh? Any tests or baselines?I’m waiting for my baseline on Thursday and I’m praying my lining cooperates so that we can move ahead with my FET. Today I have acupuncture and I’ve been taking lots of fish oil and turmeric to help reduce my swelling. I’m still on bcp and every morning I’m pretty nauseous and have horrible headaches throughout the day. My last pill is hopefully Wednesday then I can move on to estrogen patches🙏

Check in 7/21
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Last reply Jul 24, 2020


I have my first ultrasound tomorrow! I had some spotting yesterday so I’m praying that we have a heartbeat tomorrow! 🙏🍍✨❤️


I said two because first FET ended in a missed miscarriage at 6.5weeks. Delivered my baby girl on feb 2020 (second Transfer) and just transferred two more embryos yesterday 🙏🏼🤞🏼

FET question

For you ladies who have had a FET, did you feel cramping the next day? I've had cramping since my procedure and just feel full . 🙏🙏🙏 this is a good sign.

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Last reply Jul 23, 2020


Yes, I definitely felt pangs in my uterus the following day. They were super quick and if I wasn’t on such high alert I probably would have written them off. More period like cramping didnt come until a couple days after. Nothing too painful just on an off throughout the day. I test 5dp5dt but it was a BFN so I was pretty bummed. But we checked again on 7dpt and we got our positive. After a doubling beta (from 125-314 in 48 hours) we are confident we are pregnant. 4w5dGood luck! Baby dust for a sticky bean✨✨

Negative HPT 8dp5dt

I am really bummed. This is our first round of IVF. We do have 3 more frozen embryos which is great. I just really wanted this to work. We have been trying for 5 years. I have had 3 CP, 1 partial molar twin pregnancy, and an ectopic where I lost a tube. If this doesn’t work that makes 7 angel babies. Our infertility is unexplained. Everything checks out normal I just haven’t been able to carry. Should I still hold out any hope? My first beta is scheduled for Wednesday morning. If it doesn’t work should I ask for any more tests before a FET? I feel so sad and defeated.

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Last reply Jul 22, 2020


Good luck for your beta. I have heard of ladies who test negative at home then get surprise positive bloods. Holding out hope for you that you're one of those!

Switching clinics

For those of you who had switched IVF clinics / doctors, can you share your reasons? For those undergoing IVF, at what point would you consider switching? I’d done 2 rounds of egg retrieval. The first round I had 8 eggs retrieved, only 4 mature and 2 fertilized. We ended up with 1 psg-normal embryo. The second round (different protocol) went really well — we had more eggs retrieved, but fertilization rate was so low and we ended up with 0 normal embryo. My doctor doesn’t know why it failed thought she thinks it has to do with egg quality. She suggested we change 1-2 things in the protocol for round #3.I don’t know if it’s time for me to talk to another clinic. I’m being treated at a university clinic and my doctor is top of the field, but I’m losing confidence. What would you do? Thanks! ❤️

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Last reply Jul 22, 2020


You can always have a consult with another doctor, even if you ultimately decide not to switch clinics. A second opinion is never a bad thing!

PIO injections 😥

First PIO injection today! Boy that needle! Glad my SO was here i don’t think i can do this myself i admired all you ladies that do or did. Btw sore feeling 5 minutes after is that normal?! Thought ill feel soreness the day after.

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Last reply Jul 21, 2020


I don’t do anything fancy. I just have my husband inject it while I’m lying down or I do it standing up with the leg on the side I’m injecting not touching the ground (to keep the weight off and muscles loose). I inject it, run it HARD for a few minutes, and then go about my evening.

7weeks HB 145 transfer June 9th

7weeks HB 145 transfer June 9th
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Last reply Jul 22, 2020



Low antral follicle count?

Hi ladies! I just had my baseline today to start my first ivf cycle (I start my meds on Thursday!) Month over month my antral follicle count sits at about 6-7 and this month they saw 6 on my ultrasound. My doctor nor nurse seem to be concerned, but is 6 too low for getting a good response with these meds and retrieval?! Everything I read tells me that 6 is considered low I may not respond well so now I’m super worried. Anyone else have a similar start and have a successful retrieval? Thank you!

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Last reply Jul 22, 2020


With a low AFC you definitely would do better with a 3 day fresh transfer. That’s what I did.

My beautiful embaby💕


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Last reply Jul 24, 2020


We both had our transfers done the same day !! I’d love to stay in touch on how you’re feeling/progress ✨✨

Lupron depot 3.75

Has anyone taken this dose of Lupron prior to a FeT?When did your period come back? I’m waiting for the nurse to call me back but I’d love to get an idea 😊Thanks !

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Last reply Jul 21, 2020


Hi! I was on it for 2 months (2 injections). My period hasn’t come back yet, but I started birth control 28 days after my last shot. My dr said I wouldn’t get my period for 6-8 weeks after normally, but we’re going straight into my FET so I’m not planning to have a period🙏🤞


Ok ladies I need all the good thoughts and prayers I can get today. Today is my first viability ultrasound and I am a nervous wreck! Wish me luck!!Update: I’m shaking! Everything went great, I’m measuring at 6 weeks 3 days 💕 and I got to hear the little nuggets heartbeat and busted out in tears... this doesn’t seem real... thank you for the prayers everyone it means to much to me! You guys are my rock!

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Last reply Jul 22, 2020


Yayyy, Congratulations Lynn 💕💕 Wishing u a happy & healthy full term pregnancy ☺️

Second Beta today

I need all the good vibes and prayers. I took these over the weekend to try to feel better and pass time. This is 9dpt,11dpt and 13dpt(today)

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Last reply Jul 26, 2020


Amazzzzing lines

5-day blast report. Anyone have embryos that progressed on Day 6?

I had my day 5 report yesterday. Before the cycle, under the assumption that I would probably get 12-15 eggs, we were planning to do a fresh transfer of one embryo, then PGS test any remaining blasts before freezing. I posted a few days ago about possibly changing to a freeze-all cycle if we ended up with only 1 or 2 blasts. To recap: I’m 31 with unexplained infertility, and I’ve never been pregnant in 2 years of trying. My ultrasounds during stims showed 15 follicles, but only 8 eggs were retrieved. Of the 8, 7 were mature, and 5 fertilized normally. We were worried that only 1 or 2 would become blasts. BUT THERE WERE THREE!!! Three high-grade blasts! We did a fresh transfer yesterday. We also have one early blast and one morula that they’re watching for further progression. Our doctor sounded hopeful that the early blast could progress but was less optimistic about the morula. Did anyone have day-5 early blasts or Morulas that progressed to blasts on day 6? This journey has been so hard emotionally. I feel like at every step we get some disappointment or delay. Until yesterday! We are thrilled that 3/5 fertilized eggs made it to blast stage!!! Praying our other 2 to progress today but also praying for patience & peace if they don’t.

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Last reply Jul 21, 2020


Good luck with ur fresh transfer and congrats!