Help please!

nicole • Hello! We are ttc baby #1 for 6 years. I am new to this but love seeing everyone being so supportive
I have had 4 miscarriages at 5 weeks in just over a year and all of those tests showed the second line after the time frame but all were confirmed with blood tests. All the other months we didn't succeed I never had a second line or evap show. We really felt lucky this month so I have been tesying since 9dpo. Yesterday 12dpo I had a faint second line show after the time frame just like the others and the same today but darker. My doctor wasn't open today so I have to wait until Monday for a blood but until then I will be testing every day to make sure the line gets darker. I'm worried I will miscarry like before because I have been cramping with no bleeding since Monday which could possibly be implantation? We have been ttc #1 for over three years so we're really hoping this one sticks. Has anyone had positive tests after time frame and had a successful pregnancy?