Help is needed please xx

Hi my names Danielle I'm 28 and have a wee 4 year old called Sophie may she's my world . Me and my fiancé got a big surprise 8 days ago when I rang him crying down the phone that I was pregnant I don't mean to sound like a bad person but I didn't want to believe it .. I'm pooping my pants tbh .. With Sophie may I had a very bad experience giving birth she was a big 9 ponder and tbh i still haven't forgotten the pain . We went to the doctors last week and she told me I was 7 weeks . Tbh I don't feel one bit pregnant no sore boobs not feeling sick . And deep down I think there nothing there . Can anyone please help me ? Thank u xxx 
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I don't know what your asking for help with honestly I'm confused. But pregnancy is a beautiful thing and just because one birth is traumatizing doesn't mean the next can't be so great it wipes away your memory of the first! Just make a birth plan and stick to it(: congrats on being pregnant! 


Gemma • Apr 5, 2016
don't worry about feeling pregnant, you'll probably wake up one morning and suddenly feel it as for the traumatic birth I know how you're feeling my first daughter (also Sophie but Anne not may) was 9lb 6oz and I had a uti as well as being sick through my entire labour it was awful, but with my second daughter Grace it was completely different I didn't feel pregnant had no symptoms at all it wasn't until I had my first scan and heard the hart beat that I finally believed I was, and the labour was completely different no uti, no sickness and a hole 2lb lighter in fact I was in labour for 30 minutes and had her at home so please don't worry hun every pregnancy and labour is different. I hope all goes well for you xx


Danielle • Mar 26, 2016
Thank u X


Ry • Mar 26, 2016
Oh that's what you meant! Your wording was a bit confusing lol. Some people don't get any symptoms so don't worry there! I had sensitive nipples, strong sense of smell, and had to pee every five minutes! But don't worry if you have none yet, they might not come till later!


Posted at
If you're worried about not having many symptoms I didn't test til I was 7 weeks with my now 9 year old. I had implantation bleeding which I thought was my period. Boobs got bigger and people thought I was losing weight but my lower tummy was rock solid. I didn't get anything else til 8-9 weeks after my parents found out then everything you can imagine came and went when it was supposed to and my bump popped out at 10 weeks. Seeing a scan will make it all more real. If you remember the pain you'll remember the meds that took the pain away :)


Posted at
I didn't have any pregnancy symptoms until 8 weeks and then it was only slight nausea.


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my oldest was back to back an the birth was awful, frightening, I had many stitches an also tore right near my clitoris which they were unable to stitch up properly just incase I lost all feeling down there, left me with bad scaring and sometimes even almost 11 years later I still feel disfigured, I was 17 at the time and didn't want anymore children after my traumatic experience and the way the rude midwife also treated me because I was just another young mum was very off putting! But I went on to have 2 more children and I have another on the way. (2nd was a very easy birth I was only in the hospital 45 minutes before she was born and 3rd just a little longer than expected but still nothing like the 1st time which I can assure you I will never forget) I too was afraid when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd and was a mixture of emotions for many weeks. (Main fear was the birth) the only advice I can really offer you is to not stress over what happened before because every birth is different and your first child is usually your hardest or so I've been told & would agree.I got very depressed during my 2nd pregnancy obsessing over dramatic births that I didn't enjoy being pregnant at all.