Okay girls...tonight is the night


So im sitting in labor and delivery because i have signs of pteclampsia. High blood pressure, spots, swollen ankles and headaches. Well i was put on magnesium to help relax my muscles since its a muscle relaxer and prevents seizures. So from the moment i get on it like seriously 5 min aftwr my bp is PERFECT like damn perfect! So fast forward 29 hours and my vision is bad. Blurryness. Doc decides to take me off of it and next thing u know bp is 137/94. It was at 104/70 twn min before hand. Now its 124 am im sitting in the hospital bed and the doc says we are inducing in the morning if your bp stays like this. Soooo im 34 weeks roughly give or take a day with a bigg baby weighing 6lbs via ultrasound so ofcourse that could be off a pound.

I have had two steriod injections and my head hurts now like a mad woman. 8/10. What is my babies chances of not having delays. I know he will survive but what are the chances he is going to be either too short, mentally disabled, etc. Thanks girls. Im a single mom and it sucks vus im in the hospital by myself and you are probably the only people i can bug till family wakes up in the morning: )