Please help

Before I start please take in consideration that he (you'll find out who he is soon) is the most considerate and understanding person I know. He has nothing but good to offer. And this is entirely my fault. I'm asking for help to solve my mistake - he has done nothing wrong
2 days ago my boyfriend - who I haven't seen in a while - met up. Things got heated while we were making out in his basement.  For some reason I just wasn't feeling it that day - at all and tried to get him off of me.  I guess he thought I was being playful because he kept going.  I reallly wasn't feeling it and his gestures which were usually so arousing and addicting started to feel painful. In a desperate and stupid attempt I referenced our age gap (I'm 16 and he's 18) and how this could technically be considered rape since he want listening to my protests. It worked. He got off of me. But I regret it. I low key called the person I feel totally empty without a rapist and I totally understand what I did was extremely wrong and I 100% understand if he didn't ever want to see me again.  Immediatly afterwards I realized what I had said and sincerely apologized several times and tried to make it up to him - telling him that it's not at all what I meant etc. And for a while it seemed like he had accepted it. But it's been a day and a half and he hasn't said anything. I haven't seen him, he hasn't texted, called me or replied to my texts. And I'm scared. Because my stupid mistake has put our relationship at stake. And I really love him. I love him more than anything in the world - and I don't know what I'd do without him.  I'm really scared. What if I've ended the relationship!!? What if he hates me now!? What do I do!? How can I fix this!? I'm really scared!! Please help.