๐Ÿ’”I have no one to talk to I'm sorry for this rant...๐Ÿ’”

I'm so depressed. I feel alone during this pregnancy. I just got told "you think you're so special but your not." I remember when I was special to you. I remember you would never chose anyone over me. You would never let me feel so insecure over another girl. You would always put other girls in their place. Back then it was just and only you and me. Not me and your friends. Back then they were just co-workers now they are friends. Your alone with them after work and I'm suppose to be ok with it....ย 
Back then you would never call me a name. You would never call me stupid, crazy, bitch, dumbass, lazy... You use to call me beautiful, funny, sweet, special.... You use to love me and now I feel like your just used to me.... My feelings use to matter... When I cried it would make you feel horrible and all you wanted to do was hold me. And now it irritates you and you just leave me alone sobbing in an empty room.ย Before this baby we decided for me to be a stay at home mom for a year. We both decided and now I'm lazy and don't want to do anything. You use to be my rock. You use to make me feel special.. So protected.. And now... I'm depressed and feel alone, insecure, stupid, crazy....... ย I love you but why can't you just love me back... Like you use too.... Why can't I be special to you... Like I use to be..