We are fighting again!

I'd like some advice on this ... Yesterday I came home from work and I had the shitiest day of my life. I am married and my husband is currently in the states. I am currrently stuck waiting for my immigration to be done and I work in a restaurant as a waitress until that's done. My ex boyfriend, his girlfriend and his parents came for diner and humiliated the hell out of me in front of everyone and I couldn't say anything ofcourse because I just started my new job. It was horrible and came home crying. My husband was supposed to be waiting for me on skype but he decided to go away with his mom cause he was "sick of waiting for me". I called him on his phone and when I asked him if he was kidding, he started to yell at me on the phone. When I woke up this morning he told me he was waiting for an apology cause I was unreasonable. Every time we have a fight, he blames it on me. Even when he's the one at fault ... I am so sick of this and would like to get some advice on how to deal with this ...

Please help girls 😢