Too soon? What shall I do...? 😔

Hi you guys I was with someone for four months (fooled around with) last year and things took a toll this year. Unfortunately it wasn't what I wanted but since he really started showing that he didn't care for me and just wanted some when he was horny. Wanted to get to that step of getting sexual (vaginal sex) since I'm a virgin. But we didn't get to. My point is I recently cut him off because he responded to my surgery in a rude manner. But recently I've been talking to this guy in one of my classes. He so far seems concerned and wished me luck on my surgery and has been checking up on me since then. We've been getting to know each other little by little and we always ask each other how our days are going far my brother has told me he seems interested in me compared to the other guy. Should I ask him if he wants to get a cup of coffee? I mean we've agreed to help one another it's just that I don't go back to school till next Monday. Yeah I'm old school. Lol
Update: Well we were meeting at the library but he was behind me in subway. He sat next to me and Cinthia to eat. Then we went to the library. He was complimenting me on my Spanish. I was helping him with what he needed help.
He was like also saying you should get good grades since you are fluent. I was like well it's also different dialect. So that's why I also have a hard time. He was saying well don't worry about it you can do this with a smile. Surprisingly he remembered something I said about a month ago in class haha he asked me today too.
I wished him luck Wednesday before class. He said the same think back. But I replied that I got an email and she will let me take it tomorrow. Well I walked in class at 10:15 when everyone was done. Well he smiled when I walked in. There are three rows. He usually sits behind me in te third row. Well today he got placed in front of me. He just turned one time. And that was it. Well class was dismissed and like I told you before he usually waits. Well he waited for his partner and was walking with him. He looks back only once, and that was it.  So I'm walking behind them since I got out a little later. So it makes me wonder. 😔. Should I just wait it out and see how he acts and if he still acts like that should I just move on?