Baby names?

Baby • Almost 33 and FINALLY pregnant with our 3rd after 3 years of trying with medication help! I got pregnant on my 2nd cycle medicated! ❤
So I am due November 21st I know I have a long time to go still! I am 5 weeks and 6 days  today but I just wanted your thoughts on these baby names... If I am having a girl I want to name her Gentry, if I am having a boy I want to name him Mason. I love these names let me know what you think. And maybe some middle names that fit well with Gentry. I am going to name my boy (if my baby is a boy) Mason and middle name Michael after my father who passed away in 2006. So their is no room to change that but I have no clue for a baby girl I really love Gentry as a first name but I can't think of a good middle name? Help... Thanks everyone.