DTR or just keep things as are?

So I met this guy in early January, and we hit it off right from the beginning. We would literally be able to talk for 6-8 hours at a time on the phone at nights and still text throughout the day without running out of stuff to talk about. 
We decided to meet up mid-late January for a few dates-- that was his decision and he called them dates then. After that, I just assumed we were dating. I got really comfortable with this guy and honestly he is one of the best men I actually know. One day at his house I made the decision to have sex and lose my virginity with him, and it was absolutely amazing. It has been every time since! 
I've been getting kind of frustrated lately that we are not seeing each other much, but we live 2 hours away from one another. We are not a couple-- in fact, after we had sex a few weeks ago when I went to visit him, he asked if I was still okay with us not dating. This kind of hurt and offended me because he set the precedent that we were dating but not "boyfriend/girlfriend"-- essentially that we were in the pre relationship stage. 
He doesnt want to be in a committed relationship bc he got divorced last November to a girl he dated for 4 years-- their marriage was the last half year/year, and before that he was in a relationship for. Years with another girl. He says he just feels like he needs to get to know himself and who he is without being coupled with someone, and I get that. 
All this being said, I don't really know what to do about this situation. He doesn't want to be with other girls and only wants to see and hang out with me-- I offered for us to not do anything for a while so he could explore, and he was adamantly against it. I feel hurt and like a secret bc I know no one in his life knows about me, but a lot of people in mine know about him. Also, we are pretty attached to each other, and I would miss him terribly if we just didn't communicate. We talk nearly every day, but still. What kind of relationship is this? From what I understand, friends with benefits don't talk every single day or get attached to each other the way we are...