So pissed off

I had a misscarriage in January and ever since that has happened I have so far seen:

1. A pregnant girl I went to school with going out nightclubbing at 8 month pregnant.

2. A girl who has a baby going out every weekend and dumping her baby at her mom's

3. A friend who drank all through her pregnancy caused her baby to have something wrong with it who has gotten pregnant again not even a year after the baby has been born

I'm so pissed off and angry at seeing these things. I'm stressing myself out and keep making points in my head. I'm scared incase one day I crack up and just say something to them and cause a lot of stress. I can't help feeling this way I wish I never but life is so unfair. People keep telling me "it will happen to you soon" but it's not that what hurts it's the fact IT DID HAPPEN and it was taken away from me when I don't smoke drink or do drugs! :(