Disrespectful husband calls me lazy

Back story: My husband and I didn't have easy childhoods, we both had to grow up at a very young age and it wasn't because of our doing. He's a very hard worker, been working since he was 16. I got my first job at 16. Thanks to my aunt cosigning I was able to get a car and I always paid my own car note and on time. I paid my own car, insurance, phone, food, doctor, etc. A few months after we got married (I was 19) my husband got a really good job and with me being in school full time there was really no need in me working. When he got laid off about 6 months later he was able to collect unemployment, and I went out a got a full time job, while going to school 6 days a week. Going to work and school both full time, was not for me and my grades suffered, but I came out with mostly B's. I applaud anyone who works full time, goes to school, and is married, with or without kids. It's hard. I would leave school, go to work, and come home after closing to study. While he was at home all day doing nothing. The house would be a disaster. Dishes everywhere, food on the couch, laundry piled up, dog crap on the floor, because he didn't let them out. What would he be doing? Snoozing away. When I would say can you please help me out around the house? He would say "I am. I worked to bring in unemployment benefits and I'm not doing anything and still bringing in more than you." Flash forward now, he has a really good job again. I'm going to school, taking 7 classes to graduate this semester, and being a house wife. I sale paintings on the side and do hair and make up for pageants on the weekends. My husband always throws in my face I don't have a job. "Every other woman in America can work, why can't you? Your lazy." I'm not. I'm constantly going. At school, online classes, weekend classes, night classes. Cleaning the house, taking care of the dogs, and taking care of him. He tells me "no matter how hard you work in your lifetime it will never amount to one day I have worked." How can I get him to stop? I've tried talking to him.