What do you think of being an independent sales rep?

All over my Facebook feed I see my friends promoting things like Thrive, Young Living Essential Oils, Mary Kay etc. They are all independent sellers of these items and they promote them like crazy, they have asked me to buy and even asked me to start selling myself (which I have politely declined). What do you ladies think of independently selling products like these? I personally think it's bull, I think it's basically impossible to make any real money doing it (especially living in a secluded area like I do where there is a limited audience to sell to) and I think it's just an easy way for the corporations to let others endorse them while the CEOs reap the benefits. I've heard stories of people making millions being an independent sales rep but I think that is few and far between. Has anyone here tried this and had success? Or was it a waste of time and money?

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