Bridal shower??

Alexis • Married. 02/07/17. 23. Baby Girl 08/22/18💕. hypothyroidism. PCOS.
Hey everyone so me and my fiancé decided on a destination wedding in Cuba next year in February ( so flippen excited like I can't wait count down and everything! Hahah) so my friend was asking me questions about her planing a bridal shower for me which I thought was really cool but she was asking about people I would want to invite now we only have a certain amount rooms that we have blocked off... so we can't invite everyone down to Cuba.. But we think we are having a reception thing back here for everyone like my aunt and uncle did it was really nice :) ANYWAYS!!! Long story short would you in invite people who you couldn't invite down to Cuba?? But will be inviting to the reception? Sorry if this is all confusing or seams stupid... But any advice would be greatly appreciated ❤️