Intense vivid dreams

Marguerite • I`m 31 years old married to my wonderful husband Thomas. I have three sweet pups that are my everything and we just brought into the world our little rainbow baby July 7th 2018. After two loses he is our miracle.
My dreams have been vivid since a few days before I found out I was pregnant. I had dreamt I had this big belly and that day was the 1 year anniversary my mom passed away.  and two days later I took a test and it was positive and I had just concieved a few days earlier. I keep having strange ones i had one my mom was holding my baby I don't know if it was the baby I'm carrying now or the baby I lost in September. The day I dreamt that was on the day that would have been my due date. Last night I dreamt that I went for the my Nuchal translucency which happens to be tomorrow and the tech gave me a bunch of pictures because I want to give time to my Dad and my SO's parents. Then as I left her office she said no we don't do the test here. So I met my doctor after the appointment and the doctor didn't come out the social worker came out and said im sorry. All I said was oh no not again and she said yes the baby has died. You think I'm just scared for tomorrow or could this be myself warning myself for tomorrow. I'm freaked out now. Anyone else have dreams like these.