After my miscarriage last year I really thought I couldn't get pregnant

After my miscarriage last year I really thought I couldn't get pregnant. Me and my partner decided to start trying again a couple months after, the first 5 months nothing happened and we pretty much gave up. We were still having unprotected sex but not actively trying. Last week when my period didn't show I didn't think anything of it since I had cramps, 5 days went by still no period, on Friday I decided to test. After so many attempts and no luck I was sure it was going to say negative. That 3 minutes was agony. And then when I looked it said pregnant!!! I started crying with pure joy!!! When my partner got home that evening I handed him the test. He was so happy! We're nervous because of the miscarriage but we're staying optimistic. If anyone has any tips I'd be happy to listen!!