Lost her children!!! RANTTT😡😡😡

Okay so my cousin who is older than me of course has 6 children & she has lost all of them. Her first 3 kids are ages 13,11& 6 all beautiful babies the oldest two are girls last one is a boy. She left that man for another and got pregnant by him now this guy is horrible and disgusting he even flirted with me at a family get together I told her about it and she just shrugged it off. She had her baby girl & got pregnant AGAIN not even 5 months later. He's abusive mentally and physically and just completely physcho. Now she has a baby boy named Xavier he's the cutest baby ever but needs to be cared for more due to complications one day she left her bf to watch all her kids & he poured a boiling pot of water all over Xavier because he was angry. The oldest kids called the cops and her and Xavier was rushed to the hospital with severe burns everywhere especially his face. Fast foward & she didn't get him arrested or anything but they took her children. They told her she can have all her kids back ONLY IF she leaves him for good. But no she decided to loose all her children just to keep this piece of shit around I'm furious!!! Because come to find out that now she's 8 months pregnant again with his child and she's going to loose this one too as soon as he is born. All for this abusive evil son of a bitch. I'm furious I just want to slap some ducking sense into her head. 😡😡😡😡