Mad at my husband for this.

He quit his job in November with nothing else lined up. He didn't look for a job at all. He got behind like 2K in child support. I paid all his other bills for him. We got our income taxes, and instead of giving me half of the $2,300 we got, he gave me $500 of it. Then he decided he wanted to try to make it work with his baby mama and we separated for 10 days while he moved four hours away and made trips to get her & the baby and take them back. Once he realized he was an idiot (and he is 🙄) and they didn't work out for a reason and he missed me, he came and got me and took me to where he moved to (with his brother, btw) and we stayed up there for a few days while we tried out being together and seeing how I felt about being with him after him being an idiot and trying his relationship with his ex. He came home three days after I went with him. He came home, and had $300 out of all his money left. I'm so mad because the income taxes were partly MINE. I had to sign the check and be there to get them. I know money is a stupid thing to be mad about, but he took half of MY money and spent it on his freaking ex! He said the only stuff he bought her was food, and the rest of it was just gas and food and he bought their baby some toys for like $75 (which I don't care because I love my stepchild.) I'm just mad he spent money on his ex. And he's broke again. He finally started looking for jobs, though. Is it okay to be mad about that? I'm really just hurt and upset about the whole situation but every single time I think of that, I want to cry from anger. 
Edit: He had been talking about wanting to be with his child every single day which could only happen if he was with his ex because he only got to see his baby once a week, which killed him. So he said it wouldn't happen if he gave her an actual chance and they didn't work because now he'd know that they can't be together. (Which he should have already knew.) But now I go to drop offs with him and the don't call each other and barely talk. He has to do a lot to earn my trust.