To leave or not to leave (long one but please read)

My boyfriend and I have been together almost a year and half now. (I already had one child from a prior relationship way before we met). Our relationship started out very strong, we were somewhat friends before getting together. After a few months of being together we found out I was pregnant but it was from a prior relationship(left because it was abusive). We had no idea I was pregnant until 24 weeks. He said he would stay by my side no matter what I decided to do. I went with open adoption to give him the best life possible. Ever since that delivery things have seemed like a slippery slope. The way things are now: can't wear certain clothes, no guy friends, accuses me of liking/cheating on him with any guy friends of his that I talk to for more than a few seconds, secretive when on his phone( purposely sits so I can't see the screen), has lied to me about talking to female friends of his when I'm not allowed to have guy friends, checks other women out when I'm around him, constant fights, gets upset if I want to go out with girlfriends without him (one of the girls is his best friends girl who he has told me he thinks is hot and the other is someone she introduced me to), very selfish behavior, doesn't want me kissing him or snuggling with him unless it's going to lead to sex, so on and so forth. He's great with my son and we have happy times too but I'm starting to feel like it's more bad than good. Our last big fight ended physically (it started because I like one of his guy friends posts on Facebook but I didn't specifically look for that person I just like and share posts from my news feed) (he said he was leaving, I told him we need to talk about the real issue because that can't be it, he did an intimidating step towards me, I pushed him back, then he grabbed my throat and shoulder, shoved me against the wall, then to the floor, I screamed at the top of my lungs, he let go, started to crawl away, he grabbed me and said he wasn't letting go until I calmed down, which obviously didn't help). He ended up crying later that night and apologizing.... It's the first time he's ever done it so I told him if it happened again I would leave. He said it wouldn't. I still have this uneasy feeling though and feel like it would be best for my son and I to leave but I just get so confused because I still love him. Any advice would help please! I also have nowhere to go right now and don't make enough on my own to get a place now.